Ban matatus, nationalise sector or have few operators
Matatus operators took their lawlessness and impunity to a new low during their protest against the new parking charges last week.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
Ban matatus, nationalise sector or have few operators
Obama aided the passing of anti-gay law
The world has gone on very well without anti-homosexual laws. However, since Uganda has met all the Millennium Development Goals, her leaders have had plenty of time to think about homosexuality and how to curb it.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
Obama aided the passing of anti-gay law
Free advisory opinion to our county chiefs
The urge to wade into the murky affairs of county governance has become irresistible.
By MUGAMBI NANDI 11 years ago
Free advisory opinion to our county chiefs
No idolatry in Kisumu, the holy city
We shall refrain from making disparaging remarks against the pious residents of Kisumu who recently declared their town a Christian city. Last week, some of them resolved that idolatry in any form, shape or size, will under no circumstances be tolerated in their holy city.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
No idolatry in Kisumu, the  holy city
The banal side of the religious State
Farmer Oak is a character in Thomas Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd. He, like a majority of Kenyans, had a Christian name.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
The banal side of the religious State
Hail our roving members of county assemblies
Charles Dickens, in his book David Copperfield, mentions an old lady who expressed her indignation at the impiety of mariners and others, who had the presumption to go “meandering” around the world.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
Hail our roving members of county assemblies
The light bulb theory and the lies that bind
There is a lot of lying going on in this country and, we presume, elsewhere. (And no, we do not mean the in flagrante delicto kind, although we suspect that is also going on in full throttle.)
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
The light bulb theory and the lies that bind
In patriotic fete, we shred and wear the flag
The controversy surrounding the cost of the standard gauge railway line has not distracted us from an issue that has been on our mind for a while now: Kenyans who desecrate our national symbols.
By By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
In patriotic fete, we shred and wear the flag
Uhuru must show his hand in governance
At some point in his second term, former President Kibaki remarked that he regretted not having streamlined the country’s procurement laws immediately upon taking office in his first term, in order to make government procurement more efficient.
By By MUGAMBI NANDI 11 years ago
Uhuru must show his hand in governance
If we abide by the law, there should be no ageism
I sit somewhat uncomfortably between youth and old age.
By By MUGAMBI NANDI 11 years ago
If we abide by the law, there should be no ageism
S Sudan has caught disease that ails Africa
Africa is rich in natural and human resources, yet our enduring story for the last fifty years has been one of famine, disease, poverty, conflict and corruption.
By By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
S Sudan has caught disease that ails Africa
Muzzling media is a disservice to the citizen
The term “Fourth Estate” was coined centuries ago to refer to powerful forces and influential persons outside the established social power structure
By BY MUGAMBI NANDI 11 years ago
Muzzling media is a disservice to the citizen
Let’s not cover up social problems with tokenism
The dictionary defines “tokenism” as the practice of making only a perfunctory or symbolic gesture towards the accomplishment of a goal.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
Let’s not cover up social problems with tokenism
The salaries commission should do right
Upton Sinclair wrote that it is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
The salaries commission should do right
It’s time to crack the whip on errant doctors
Napoleon Bonaparte once said that doctors will have more lives to answer for in the next world than generals. He was probably right.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
It’s time to crack the whip on errant doctors
Tax the dead and send bill to the living
The famous quote about the certainty of death and taxes has long been attributed to Benjamin Franklin, even though the first record of its appearance was in Daniel Defoe’s book, The Political History of the Devil, in 1726.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
Tax the dead  and send bill  to the living
Are we a nation of entitlement, impunity, whining?
It was quite disturbing to hear the owners of a bus company, whose careless driver had caused the premature dispatch of about a dozen souls to their maker, whining about their licence, which had been temporarily suspended.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
Are we a nation of entitlement, impunity, whining?
Love thy neighbour, says the Government
Even late bloomers will by now be familiar with the term “Nyumba Kumi”, the latest government initiative aimed at curbing insecurity through community policing. Deny it if you can, but terrorism has changed the way we go about our lives.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
Love thy neighbour, says the Government
Fighting ignorance, disease and poverty fifty years on
Some sage said that if you haven’t grown up by age 50, you don’t have to. Kenya has done quite a bit of growing up in the last 50 years.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
Fighting ignorance, disease and poverty fifty years on
What about death penalty for thieving public servants?
At least once every year the Auditor-General hits us with very bad news. We are now used to it.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
What about death penalty for thieving public servants?
Do tragedies bind us together, bring out the best in us?
The death and destruction caused by the evil acts of terrorists at Westgate Mall last week brought out the best in humanity.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
Do tragedies bind us together, bring out the best in us?
Of polyandry and related matters...
In our view, what is moral and socially acceptable is often what we are accustomed to. It is what we call culture. Yet culture is not static, and things that were previously frowned upon as anathema soon find their way into mainstream culture.
By By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
Of polyandry and related matters...
The anatomy of a civil servant
The sciences were not our forte back in our high school days. In particular, biology was much liked but not easily grasped. That is how we ended up in law school.
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
The anatomy of a civil servant
Flee, here comes paternity testing
Ever since the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions in New York in 1848, and the signing into law of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America in 1920, women have every so often found a new cause for which to put their lives on the line.
By -MUGAMBI NANDI 11 years ago
Flee, here comes paternity testing
Pigs haven’t made any demands
Surely we cannot begrudge the creatures their little pleasure, especially if it improves quality of pork
By Mugambi Nandi 11 years ago
Pigs haven’t made any demands
Shofco Sacco assets cross the Sh500m mark
By Graham Kajilwa
1 hr ago