Why Public Relations practitioners require journalistic skills
PR experts need the knowledge, skills, tact and judgement of journalists in helping an organisation communicate purposefully with their stakeholders.
By Kennedy Buhere 7 months ago
Why Public Relations practitioners require journalistic skills
Why holiday tuition does not improve learning outcomes
Students need mental breaks from the pressing study schedules. The teachers need it also.
By Kennedy Buhere 11 months ago
Why holiday tuition does not improve learning outcomes
Excessive testing undermines teaching, learning in schools
The frequency of testing that learners are subjected to has serious implications on education policy, standards and curricula allocated for effective teaching and learning.
By Kennedy Buhere 1 year ago
Excessive testing undermines teaching, learning in schools
Powerful speeches are those that appeal to audiences' emotions
The level of success the leaders have with the people and the stakeholders depends on the way they use words to deliver a speech in front of an audience.
By Kennedy Buhere 1 year ago
Powerful speeches are those that appeal to audiences' emotions
Why remedial teaching should not be provided to all learners
Remedial teaching is designed to help students who fall behind in their studies or have difficulties learning a particular subject matter or subjects.
By Kennedy Buhere 1 year ago
Why remedial teaching should  not be provided to all learners
Teacher is key in child's education, despite emerging technologies
The guiding star of schools and any educational institution is a teacher. ICT and all the capabilities it has as an educational tool cannot and will never substitute a teacher.
By Kennedy Buhere 2 years ago
Teacher is key in child's education, despite emerging technologies
Why some literature setbooks are taught again and again
The crop of students who study the setbooks are never the same. The books are therefore as new to them as they were to students who studied them a decade or so earlier.
By Kennedy Buhere 2 years ago
Why some literature setbooks are taught again and again
Cheaper calls on the way as telcos agree to cut key rates
Operators have reached an out-of-court settlement that will see them cut mobile termination rates by 41 percent. Safaricom had appealed an earlier decision by regulator to cut the rate by 87 percent.
By Kennedy Buhere 2 years ago
Cheaper calls on the way as telcos agree to cut key rates
Kenyan children don't know Martin Shikuku? Seriously?
The student who unconsciously studies, comes to appreciate the place of words in the pen and mouth of the great and exceptional men and women he reads about.
By Kennedy Buhere 2 years ago
Kenyan children don't know Martin Shikuku? Seriously?
To end exam cheating, we must understand purpose of education
Examination cheating can be ended when the country adopts what he called authentic assessment model.
By Kennedy Buhere  2 years ago
To end exam cheating, we must understand purpose of education
School holidays have benefits for children; spare them the tuition
School holidays create room for parents to spend time with their children. They also create time for the teachers to spend time with their families.
By Kennedy Buhere 3 years ago
School holidays have benefits for children; spare them the tuition
Let's support, not condemn, those who resign to heed a higher duty
Politics, or legislative positions have unlimited authority and power over nearly everything within the jurisdiction of Parliament.
By Kennedy Buhere 3 years ago
Let's support, not condemn, those who resign to heed a higher duty
Let's preserve popular speeches by our best orators for posterity
However, the history of rhetoric—the art of effective and persuasive speaking and writing—shows that a large body of speeches have titles.
By Kennedy Buhere 3 years ago
Let's preserve popular speeches by our best orators for posterity
Curriculum has nothing do with indiscipline in our schools at all
Upon entry into secondary education under the 8-4-4 system, all students study a broad and balanced curriculum,
By Kennedy Buhere  3 years ago
Curriculum has nothing do with indiscipline in our schools at all
It is possible to make children to learn with minimal stress
Every school programme was meant to build the minds, hearts and souls of learners.
By Kennedy Buhere 3 years ago
It is possible to make children to learn with minimal stress
All children have inborn ability to follow education curriculum
The time spent on the course materials determines not just the quality of learning, but also how many students are actually learning.
By Kennedy Buhere 3 years ago
All children have inborn ability to follow education curriculum
Society’s problem-solving skills prove past always binds present
People fall back on their frames of mind, attitudes and values when confronted with new circumstances and new facts.
By Kennedy Buhere  3 years ago
Society’s problem-solving skills prove past always binds present
Communication skills essential to holistic learning
Communication and collaboration have been entrenched in the Basic Curriculum Framework, which is the blueprint for the seven core competencies...
By Kennedy Buhere 3 years ago
Communication skills essential to holistic learning
Hilary Ng’weno’s other magazine that some readers loved the most
Most of those who have eulogised Hilary Ng’weno don’t know that he had some misgivings about how educated people regarded Weekly Review
By Kennedy Buhere 3 years ago
Hilary Ng’weno’s other magazine that some readers loved the most
How publishers can boost reading culture
The fiduciary duty of publishers to society goes beyond the school years of students
By Kennedy Buhere 4 years ago
How publishers can boost reading culture
Libraries should have more than textbooks
The school library is the heart of any educational institution, which learners use to enhance and deepen their learning experiences
By Kennedy Buhere 5 years ago
Libraries should have more than textbooks
Self esteem is critical to productive learning
Confidence level in students is an important factor in educational success
By Kennedy Buhere 5 years ago
Self esteem is critical to productive learning
Why no child's education should end at Class Eight
Education, more than anything else, is the instrument by which people fully enjoy the rights and privileges of citizenship.
By Kennedy Buhere 5 years ago
Why no child's education should end at Class Eight
Revise syllabus and not just past exam papers
Magoha has advised KCPE and KCSE candidates to “revise the syllabus, not past examination papers”
By Kennedy Buhere 5 years ago
Revise syllabus and not just past exam papers
Obsession with exam markers is misplaced
Students don’t need test-taking skills if they have quality instruction in that subject.
By Kennedy Buhere 5 years ago
Obsession with exam markers is misplaced
Why new curriculum is better than 8-4-4
CBC has recognised that children are differently endowed in abilities, interests and orientations.
By Kennedy Buhere 5 years ago
Why new curriculum is better than 8-4-4
Reforms in education is about preparing learners for the future
Education must make appropriate adjustment to new environment.
By Kennedy Buhere 5 years ago
Reforms in education is about preparing learners for the future
Universities must develop leaders, not mere functionaries
A week ago, Strathmore University’s Deputy Vice Chancellor Vincent Ogutu underscored a fundamental function of higher education
By Kennedy Buhere 7 years ago
Universities must develop leaders, not mere functionaries
Sossion has mistaken new curriculum
Sossion raised an important question on the proposed curriculum reform while addressing members of the Kepsha in Mombasa
By Kennedy Buhere 7 years ago
Sossion has mistaken new curriculum
Education is developing, not stuffing learners’ minds
A basic feature of the Curriculum Reform initiative that the Ministry of Education is spearheading is that dominance of examinations will be scaled down
By Kennedy Buhere 7 years ago
Education is developing, not stuffing learners’ minds
There's more harm in stretching learning hours
The report of the Special Investigation Team on School Unrest in 2016 cites congested school routines in some of secondary schools as one of the factors that triggered unrest during second term in the 2016 calendar year.
By Kennedy Buhere 7 years ago
There's more harm in stretching learning hours
Why students must study a variety of subjects in school
Two weeks ago, a student from Alliance High School raised an important question with Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i: Why should students study up to eight subjects when all they require is one or two subjects which are core to the profession or career they wish to study after school? The question the student posed to the top policy makers may look naïve to many people
By Kennedy Buhere, Ministry of Education 7 years ago
Why students must study a variety of subjects in school
Holiday Tuition: Why It adds zero value to school children in Kenya
The Basic Education Act, 2013, outlaws holiday tuition of any kind
By Kennedy Buhere 7 years ago
Holiday Tuition: Why It adds zero value to school children in Kenya
Why reading is key to country's new curriculum
Ability to read puts the cumulative experience of humankind at the disposal of each person - Charles E
By Kennedy Buhere 8 years ago
Why reading is key to country's new curriculum
There's knowledge and power in literature
Millions of educated people who enter and leave high school without having developed a love for literature - for great fiction - think that literature is all about stories.
By Kennedy Buhere 8 years ago
There's knowledge and power in literature
Talent and education form the best mix
There is no discipline that requires uttermost discipline and good conduct (no pun intended) than sports. Indeed, no personal success, achievement, or goal, can be realised without self-discipline.
By Kennedy Buhere 8 years ago
Talent and education form the best mix
Use testing to support effective teaching in Kenya classrooms
To be useful, the results of the assessment should force the school, the students and everybody involved to go back to the drawing board: develop strategies to build on the strengths on one hand and address the weakness that poor performance in a particular subject or several subjects reveal.
By Kennedy Buhere 8 years ago
Use testing to support effective teaching in Kenya classrooms
Literacy programme already underway
The Government's plan to roll out a programme to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics for lower primary school pupils from March is welcome.
By Kennedy Buhere 8 years ago
Literacy programme already underway
Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i keen on safety of dormitories
Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i has, in all his boarding school inspection tours so far, visited dormitories.
By Kennedy Buhere 8 years ago
Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i keen on safety of dormitories
Reforms seek to improve education
Varying comments have greeted the curriculum reform initiative the Government launched at KICC two weeks ago.
By Kennedy Buhere 8 years ago
Reforms seek to improve education
Mother to Brian Odhiambo confronts CS
By Julius Chepkwony
2 hrs ago
Major showdown as new Grand Slam Track league kicks off
By Stephen Rutto
3 hrs ago