Warped thinking breeds mistrust against West
Some two years back, at lunch with a fellow who would be described by many as a ‘Kenyan cowboy’ — being a member of the long-term white community that arrived in Kenya as colonial settlers — we got onto the subject of the strained relations between the black and the white citizens of Kenya.
By Jenny Luesby 11 years ago
Warped thinking breeds mistrust against West
Why nothing works in a lawless society
It’s hard living in a lawless state. Take my journey to work two weeks back, when a man climbed into my car at a U-turn on Mombasa Road.
By Jenny Luesby 11 years ago
Why nothing works in a lawless society
Let Westgate horror open our eyes to rebuild Kenya
On Monday morning, there was a single tweet that finally brought me to tears, in an anguish that, as the now dead-at-Westgate Ghanian poet Kofi Awoonor once wrote, had seen the tears out of reach on something just too big.
By Jenny Luesby 11 years ago
Let Westgate horror open our eyes to rebuild Kenya
Justice is universal or it isn’t justice
Recent days have brought soul searching in America, as it views its progress, over 50-years, in achieving Martin Luther King’s dream of racial equality.
By -JENNY LUESBY 11 years ago
Justice is universal or it isn’t justice
Connecting the dots in Kwale mining saga
What does it truly mean for Kenya to be the fourth most corrupt country in the world? We all know the impact it has on our daily lives, the never ending graft.
By - Jenny Luesby 11 years ago
Connecting the dots in Kwale mining saga
How delusion of self-importance holds us back
Across human history, there has been a single lesson for all societies. Those that failed to grasp it suffered hugely, and inflicted massive pain on many. And yet, still, in 2013, it is the plague of our species that we so often cannot appreciate this single point, and live by it.
By Jenny Luesby 11 years ago
How delusion of self-importance holds us back
Mass of unemployed is new ‘tyranny of numbers’
Are people born mad, or are they made mad by what they live through? It’s a debate that has raged in scientific circles for decades.
By Jenny Luesby 11 years ago
Mass of unemployed is new ‘tyranny of numbers’
The cry of our young doctors
Ronald, not his real name, is just 27-years-old, but is already a senior doctor in the Kenyan system. Like most of his agemates, he works for nothing: instead paying the Government Sh400,000 a year to allow him practice as a surgeon at Kenyatta Hospital.
By By Jenny Luesby 11 years ago
The cry of our young doctors
Hurrah cheats, extortionists, adulterers, lynch mobs
It is said too many times that Kenya has become a ‘dog eat dog’ culture. No-one says it of the majority of our neighbours — even in lands where civil wars have raged.
By Jenny Luesby 11 years ago
Hurrah cheats, extortionists, adulterers, lynch mobs
No one should be treated badly, then die unheard
Once upon a time, in Western TV programming history, there was a comedy series that challenged a whole society’s perceptions, under the name of Monty Python, shocking us all with iconic shows such as a skit that looked at words and how we react to them emotionally — in a side-splitting scene on how to use ‘tinny’ words and ‘woody’ words.
By -JENNY LUESBY 11 years ago
No one should be treated badly, then die unheard
Discrimination against women is so last century
There are times when one realizes just how much the Earth is not one planet. Thousands of years of civilization, trade and travel, decades of international treaties and of Governments that declare accord, and yet even our take on human rights remains completely divided.
By -JENNY LUESBY 11 years ago
Discrimination against women is so last century
Make no mistake, our diversity, our biggest asset
Management schools are big business, but few have given attention to ‘what management is all about’ that Henley School of Management devoted to a ten-year study on how teams succeed.
By -JENNY LUESBY 11 years ago
Make no mistake, our diversity, our biggest asset
Let’s one and all sing an ode to recycled populism
Populism is an ugly thing, filled with disappointments.
By -JENNY LUESBY 11 years ago
Let’s one and all sing an ode to recycled populism
Transformers often pay a hefty price for our comfort
Several weeks back, across the space of a few days, I sat before a row of videos declaring the vision and ideals of three different organisations. They were each inspiring, yet all with a common thread: celebrating the change-for-good brought by those who dare to be different and to innovate.
By -JENNY LUESBY 11 years ago
Transformers often pay a hefty price for  our comfort
Shofco Sacco assets cross the Sh500m mark
By Graham Kajilwa
1 hr ago