Kenya's digitalisation agenda aligned to SDG 8
Kenya's digital transformation is not only a technological revolution but also a strategic alignment of the Kenya Kwanza agenda with the United Nations SDG 8.
By Eliud Owalo 1 year ago
Kenya's digitalisation agenda aligned to SDG 8
Kenya's digital economy is on the rise, creating decent jobs
Owalo said government is providing free public Wi-Fi, with a target of 25,000 hotspots by 2027. Some 14,690 spots have been identified, for installation of Wi-Fi.
By Eliud Owalo 1 year ago
Kenya's digital economy is on the rise, creating decent jobs
Why digital identity is imperative for Kenya's digital transformation
The modern day ID must be a functional official identification system provided by governments and recognized and trusted by all stakeholders with whom the citizen interacts.
By Eliud Owalo 1 year ago
Why digital identity is imperative for Kenya's digital transformation
Equity should inform our sharing formula
Counties losing due to lack of financial prudence should not be cushioned
By Eliud Owalo 4 years ago
Equity should inform our sharing formula
It's not right to disband Strategic Food Reserve
The SFR is one of the few profitable and justifiably sustainable government entities
By Eliud Owalo 4 years ago
It's not right to disband Strategic Food Reserve
We should prepare for the looming recession
The government should make the right interventions to save the day
By Eliud Owalo 4 years ago
We should prepare for the looming recession
Why Kenya won’t gain much from cheap oil
The consequence is a massive disruption of all aspects of the global economic and social order.
By Eliud Owalo 4 years ago
Why Kenya won’t gain much from cheap oil
State should intervene to save Gor Mahia and AFC Leopards from collapse
As an ardent football fan, I’m not only concerned about the possible adverse effects of Covid-19 on local football in...
By Eliud Owalo 4 years ago
State should intervene to save Gor Mahia and AFC Leopards from collapse
Cushion economy, public from critical impact of coronavirus
Kenya is in the grip of multiple socio-economic crises.
By Eliud Owalo 4 years ago
Cushion economy, public from critical impact of coronavirus
Governors should be subjected to full probe, including prosecution
Concerns have been raised over pilferage of colossal sums of public funds by most governors.
By Eliud Owalo 5 years ago
Governors should be subjected to full probe, including prosecution
Kenyans should be freed from political slavery
Kenyans must discard the retrogressive culture of negative politics built around ethnic enclaves and tribal chiefs
By Eliud Owalo 5 years ago
Kenyans should be freed from political slavery
Why the sky is the limit as counties mark 5th birthday
As we count down to the 5th Devolution Conference in Kakamega, many Kenyans may not give the event much attention partially due to the other topical a
By Eliud Owalo 6 years ago
Why the sky is the limit as counties mark 5th birthday
Disrupting reforms in education will imperil country’s future
Globally, according to the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) there are at least...
By Eliud Owalo 7 years ago
Disrupting reforms in education will imperil country’s future
Good intentions alone will not end poverty
The objectives of devolution revolve around facilitating equitable economic development across all regions of the country.
By Eliud Owalo 7 years ago
Good intentions alone will not end poverty
Ending hunger a reality or just another mirage?
Among the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Goal 2 seeks to end hunger and achieve food security
By Eliud Owalo 7 years ago
Ending hunger a reality or just another mirage?
Milestones and challenges that Kenya faced in 2017
Kenya is considered as one of the fastest growing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
By Eliud Owalo 7 years ago
Milestones and challenges that Kenya faced in 2017
EAC integration will be an economic catalyst
A key factor that has constrained many Africa countries, including Kenya, from growing into a global economy is..
By Eliud Owalo 7 years ago
EAC integration will be an economic catalyst
Low interest rates sure way of fueling growth and more investment
The interest rate debate has dominated Kenyan commercial and economic circles in the past few years. Interest rate is the proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower, typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan outstanding.
By Eliud Owalo 7 years ago
Low interest rates sure way of fueling growth and more investment
Obstacles we must rise against to achieve Vision 2030
What Prospects lie ahead for Kenyans in the period of the Third-Medium Term Plan (MTP) of the Vision 2030? Will we achieve better results during the MTP III period? Will there be remarkable flagship milestones like the realization of universal primary education under MTP I, improved infrastructure or increased generation of power under both MTP I and MTP II?
By Eliud Owalo 7 years ago
Obstacles we must rise against to achieve Vision 2030
Amend the law to pave way for gubernatorial by-elections
Article 180 of the Constitution variously provides for the election of the governor and deputy governor on a joint ticket. That is to say, a vote for the governor candidate is a vote for the deputy.
By ELIUD OWALO 7 years ago
Amend the law to pave way for gubernatorial by-elections
ODM is the party; and the future is orange
On Friday, 2nd September, 2016, the Orange Democratic Movement Party (ODM) will be celebrating its 10th anniversary since its founding in the year 2006. From then to date, the Party has actively and admirably played its due role within the country’s political spectrum in line with its ideology of Social Democracy.
By ELIUD OWALO 8 years ago
ODM is the party; and the future is orange
Hold to account those who steal public funds
It is now beyond doubt that the Government has done too little to contain the re-emergence of corruption cartels which are looting public funds with abandon.
By ELIUD OWALO 9 years ago
Hold to account those who steal public funds
Harassing opposition politicians is unlawful
In the most undemocratic regimes in Africa, where the rule of law and good governance are hardly respected, opposition politicians are often subjected to harrowing harassment and intimidation by the party in power.
By Eliud Owalo 9 years ago
Harassing opposition politicians is unlawful
Why IEBC must verify Okoa Kenya referendum signatures
The Okoa Kenya referendum drive is unstoppable. After Jubilee administration responded with an emphatic “NO!” to Opposition calls for national dialogue, the stage for a constitutional amendment process was set.
By ELIUD OWALO 9 years ago
Why IEBC must verify Okoa Kenya referendum signatures
Why time is ripe for Sam Nyamweya to exit Kenyan football scene
Recent events in Kenyan football lay full credence to the fact that Football Kenya Federation (FKF) President Sam Nyamweya and his team have outlived their usefulness at the helm of Kenyan football.
By ELIUD OWALO 9 years ago
Why time is ripe for Sam Nyamweya to exit Kenyan football scene
Kenya should align development to UN’s sustainable goals
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs), referred to as the Agenda 2030 are target-based declarations adopted in October.
By Eliud Owalo 9 years ago
Kenya should align development to UN’s sustainable goals
Orders by DPP Tobiko are disorderly and unjustifiable
We have in the past couple of days witnessed numerous orders by the DPP, but in what in my estimation is a very disorderly and unjustifiable manner.
By ELIUD OWALO 9 years ago
Orders by DPP Tobiko are disorderly and unjustifiable
Why KEMSA should be devolved
The Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) Act 2013, lays the framework for procurement and supply of medical products or materials throughout the country.
By Eliud Owalo 9 years ago
Why KEMSA should be devolved
Decentralise HELB to step up fairness
While the current HELB Bill has certain laudable inputs, it fails to address the critical issue of decentralisation of the studunts’ loan agency to the county level.
By Eliud Owalo 9 years ago
Decentralise HELB to step up fairness
State, cartels to blame for sugar woes
The woes of local sugar millers, small scale sugar farmers and consumers is no longer news in Kenya. Nearly every year, they face recurrent problems and this has been the case for decades.
By Eliud Owalo 9 years ago
State, cartels to blame for sugar woes
Barack Obama came to promote US interests
The presumed world super power, that is the United States of America (USA), came and went and we remain in a country of our forefathers and as POTUS said, borrowed from our children and grandchildren but not inherited from our forefathers.
By Eliud Owalo 9 years ago
Barack Obama came to promote US interests
President Uhuru Kenyatta should act on land grabbers
The rejection of the bill seeking to disband Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission by President Uhuru Kenyatta is a step in the right direction, but is not suffice.
By Eliud Owalo 9 years ago
President Uhuru Kenyatta should act on land grabbers
Uhuru should step aside in 2017 if we are to free ourselves of tribalism
A brief analysis of the history of Africa’s political conflicts reveals that between 1960s and 1990s, there were about 80 violent changes of government in 48 Sub-Saharan African countries.
By Eliud Owalo 9 years ago
Uhuru should step aside in 2017 if we are to free ourselves of tribalism
The west can do it again for Kenya
I vividly remember the late 1980's and early 90's when a dictatorial KANU regime would not heed the calls of the majority of Kenyans to embrace pluralism.
By Eliud Owalo 9 years ago
The west can do it again for Kenya
Jubilee falling short of public expectations
Despite Jubilee coalition’s pre-election pledges of 2013, there is now scientific evidence and confirmation that the Jubilee government has dismally performed since it came to power based on revelations by Ipsos Synovate Ltd’s survey and trend analysis of six key economic and governance variables in the years 2013 and 2014.
By Eliud Owalo 10 years ago
Jubilee falling short of public expectations
Growing signs of political intolerance
A few days ago, the country was treated to a rare and most unexpected attack on Hon Raila Odinga and Taita Taveta Governor Hon Salim Muvrya at a rally in Kwale. The purpose of the rally was to drum up support for the CORD-led referendum process.
By Eliud Owalo 10 years ago
Growing signs of political intolerance
Parliament shouldn’t pass statute law
Parliament needs to thoroughly interrogate The statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill, 2013 for its efficacy in terms of constitutionality and effects on the People of Kenya.
By By Eliud Owalo 11 years ago
Parliament shouldn’t pass statute law
Bill is in bad taste, does not pass the test of Kenya’s Constitution
The National Assembly yesterday passed the Multi Media Amendment Bill, 2013 which now awaits Presidential assent to become law.
By Eliud Owalo 11 years ago
Bill is in bad taste, does not pass the test of Kenya’s Constitution
Embrace enterprise for sustainability, Ruto tells varsities
By Emmanuel Kipchumba
10 mins ago
Shofco Sacco assets cross the Sh500m mark
By Graham Kajilwa
10 mins ago