Landlord held after fire causes huge damage
Millions lost as 19 vehicles awaiting repairs and several spare parts shops burnt down.
By Dennis Ochieng 6 years ago
Landlord held after fire causes huge damage
Three-year-old boy pushed out of a moving matatu
A family in Kasipul, is seeking justice for their three year old child who was injured after being pushed by matatu crew
By Dennis Ochieng 7 years ago
Three-year-old boy pushed out of a moving matatu
Five school girls fall pregnant
A Garissa based non-governmental organisation has expressed outrage over the news that five school girls became pregnant in remote Mansabubu, Garissa County.
By DENNIS OCHIENG 10 years ago
Five school girls fall pregnant
Forest conservation to protect life in dry NEP
“Keen habitat protection is the key to wildlife conservation in remote regions,’’ says environmentalist Farhia Hajir of Pastoralist Girls’ Initiative (PGI).
By Dennis Ochieng 10 years ago
Forest conservation to protect life in dry NEP
Police arrest two, recover rifle
Garissa police have arrested two men and recovered an AK-47 rifle and 27 bullets.
By DENNIS OCHIENG 10 years ago
Police arrest two, recover rifle
NEP loses most mothers during delivery; survey
Kenya Demographic Health Survey shows that between 1000 and 1200 women in North Eastern Province die during delivery per 100,000 souls compared to the national rate of 488.
By By DENNIS OCHIENG 10 years ago
NEP loses most mothers during delivery; survey
Shofco Sacco assets cross the Sh500m mark
By Graham Kajilwa
1 hr ago