Support police officers during election period
With a few days to the election, all citizens should be ambassadors of peace for themselves and everyone in order to give police officers easy work.
By Chris Hart 2 years ago
Support police officers during election period
Letter from Shamakhokho and its entrepreneurship
Visiting Shamakhokho and Navakholo left me convinced there are still innocent regions in this country, with cultures not too contaminated by modernity.
By Chris Hart 2 years ago
Letter from Shamakhokho and its entrepreneurship
Polls are designed to preserve interests of politicians and their cronies
Elections, whether free and fair or not, give politicians the power to determine how resources are distributed.
By Chris Hart 2 years ago
Polls are designed to preserve interests of politicians and their cronies
Your boss is a psychopath, run!
Start some serious job hunting. Because you just can’t win with a boss like her. So get as far away from her as you can. Soon!
By Chris Hart 4 years ago
Your boss is a psychopath, run!
How to get him to help more around the house
But sharing responsibilities is quite possible, and good fun if you do it right.
By Chris Hart 4 years ago
How to get him to help more around the house
Good guys won’t come to you unless they know they’re welcome
Whenever you find a guy even remotely attractive, you’ll almost certainly feel a strong urge to look away when his eyes meet yours.
By Chris Hart 4 years ago
Good guys won’t come to you unless they know they’re welcome
What can a man do to sweep a lady off her feet?
Today’s ladies expect more from their men. The right appearance, grooming and manners. Assured and assertive, but not macho.
By Chris Hart 4 years ago
What can a man do to sweep a lady off her feet?
Reality of the 20-year itch in marriage
Chris Hart explores some of the reasons why couples decide to go separate ways after spending two decades together
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
Reality of the 20-year itch in marriage
She doesn’t want to hold my hand in public
...she makes it very clear that she doesn’t want that sort of attention in public
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
She doesn’t want to hold my hand in public
Parenting manual (if there ever was one) to well-behaved children
We all like to think that our children are well behaved. But behind our backs they can be little monsters.
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
Parenting manual (if there ever was one) to well-behaved children
How do I deal with a horrible mum-in-law?
Please help me with my mother in law! My husband’s a really nice guy, but his mother is awful.
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
How do I deal with a horrible mum-in-law?
I seem to have everything but I am not happy
My friends probably think I’ve got it made, with a good job, a good partner, and a full social life. But I always feel something’s missing.
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
I seem to have everything but I am not happy
Can’t cope with her endless flirting!
The woman could be a histrionic personality disorder
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
Can’t cope with her endless flirting!
Bring up decent children in a chaotic world
We all like to think that our children are well behaved. But behind our backs, they can be little monsters.
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
Bring up decent children in a chaotic world
Would you know if your child was depressed or suicidal?
WHO report showed that number of suicides rose by 58 per cent between years 2008 and 2017 and is rapidly rising
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
Would you know if your child was depressed or suicidal?
How do I gain charisma?
It’s not about having high social status.
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
How do I gain charisma?
LOVE DOCTOR: My career has stalled; what could I be doing wrong?
Hi Not Getting Promoted!
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
LOVE DOCTOR: My career has stalled; what could I be doing wrong?
Love doctor: Is my marriage on its deathbed?
Hi Chris! This probably sounds a little odd, but the other day, while I was thinking about organising a holiday for us, it crossed my mind that my wif
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
Love doctor: Is my marriage on its deathbed?
Love doctor: Dating way above your league is a bad idea
All my life I’ve dreamt of marrying a real catch. Someone drop dead gorgeous
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
Love doctor: Dating way above your league is a bad idea
Are we too different for this to work out?
I’m definitely the sort of person who loves big social events, noisy conversations and loud music. But my husband’s...
By Chris Hart 5 years ago
Are we too different for this to work out?
Why can’t I find a guy who’s good to me?
I’m in my late 30s, still single, and to be honest I’ve not had the best of luck with my relationships.
By Chris Hart 6 years ago
Why can’t I find a guy who’s good to me?
Don’t worry. Fantasies are very common - like only around five per cent of men and women say they’ve never had one
By Chris Hart 6 years ago
Resolutions that could vastly improve your life
Everyone feels the urge to make New Year resolutions: to exercise more, save money, lose weight, stop smoking, drink less.
By Chris Hart 6 years ago
Resolutions that could vastly improve your life
8 top reasons for divorce in Kenya
Ask a lawyer and they’ll say adultery tops the list. But that’s rarely the true underlying cause.
By Chris Hart 6 years ago
8 top reasons for divorce in Kenya
I can’t get over this breakup
My girlfriend’s just dumped me! What’s the quickest way to heal a broken heart?
By Chris Hart 6 years ago
I can’t get over this breakup
He made me feel worthless, now I can’t move on
Sadly, there are people who take a delight in putting everyone else down.
By Chris Hart 6 years ago
He made me feel worthless, now I can’t move on
Answers to love issues.
By Chris Hart 6 years ago
The elusive Mr Right
I’m an upwardly mobile young woman in her late thirties, very well educated, good at my job, and work really hard at it. But I’m also quite lonely.
By Chris Hart 6 years ago
The elusive Mr Right
How healthy is your sex life?
Unmatched sexual appetites, unmet expectations, routine, bedroom boredom and an inexistent sex life are some of the common issues many relationships f
By Chris Hart 6 years ago
How healthy is your sex life?
Ruto assent to Supplementary Appropriations Bill
By Esther Nyambura
31 mins ago
Government eyes student enrollment to boost SHA uptake
Health & Science
By Mike Kihaki and Gloria Milimu
34 mins ago
Timeless love: Gestures enduring modern times
By Anjellah Owino
53 mins ago