Solve SHA system failings better for Kenyans to buy in

Grace Njoki Mulei overcome by emotions after spending the night at Capitol Hill Police Station, Upper Hill on January 24, 2025 after she was arrested at Ladnan Hospital. [Kanyiri Wahito Standard]

When the Social Health Authority (SHA) was introduced to replace the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), it was sold to Kenyans as the government’s ultimate solution to Kenya’s ailing healthcare. 

It was to ensure all Kenyans, including the very poor would access quality healthcare at an affordable cost. But the new system has faced several challenges with thousands of patients unable to access treatment in several hospitals including the Kenyatta National Referral Hospital.

It was therefore unsettling to witness how a retired nurse has been treated by the Ministry of Health and the National Police Service, after raising her concerns on the new system. When Grace Njoki Mulei, 61, stormed Afya House to complain about the failing system, she did not get the open dialogue one might expect from an authority that should be receptive to criticism — but with brute force. 

Dragged out of a Nairobi hospital by over 20 police officers, this incident brings to light troubling questions about priorities, resource allocation and the space for public dissent. This is not an isolated incident. It speaks to a deeper issue: the way those who dare speak against authority, especially in matters of public service, are silenced. 

The retired nurse sought to highlight inefficiencies and concerns within SHA that, if addressed, could improve the health outcomes for majority of vulnerable Kenyans. Instead of listening, engaging and acting on these concerns, the authorities chose to silence her through a heavy-handed approach.

This scenario also raises questions about the state of our public institutions. Shouldn’t we be encouraging critical thinking, dialogue and constructive criticism? After all, the health sector, like any other public service, should be open to feedback, especially from those with firsthand experience.

The retired nurse’s concerns could have been a valuable opportunity for improvement, for growth, and for ensuring SHA meets the needs of Kenyans. When we stifle such voices, we not only jeopardise the health and well-being of individuals like the nurse, but we also send a dangerous message: that speaking out against inefficiency, corruption, or failure is not only unwelcome, but will be met with harsh punishment.

Should we create a society where public servants and citizens alike are afraid to speak the truth, for fear of retribution? Are we going to continue wasting precious resources on unnecessary shows of force, rather than invest in the improvement of services that could truly benefit Kenyans?

The fall of the Finance Bill 2024, the President blamed it on poor communication between government officers and the citizens. When the citizens try to voice their concerns it’s met with opposition. If we truly want to create a fair and just society, we must respect and encourage the voices of those who speak up for the greater good.

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