Fearful church dropped the Gen Z baton, resumed business as usual
How can the church be so passionate about leading people to heaven when it has neither mind nor heart to get young protesters out of a nearby police cell?
By 7 months ago
Fearful church dropped the Gen Z baton, resumed business as usual
If only the State fought corruption with the zeal it unleashes on youth
The State's inability to accommodate citizens gathered publicly against it is a vote of little confidence in itself.
By 7 months ago
If only the State fought corruption with the zeal it unleashes on youth
Fearful church dropped the Gen Z baton, resumed business as usual
How can the church be so passionate about leading people to heaven when it has neither mind nor heart to get young protesters out of a nearby police cell?
By 7 months ago
Fearful church dropped the Gen Z baton, resumed business as usual
If only the State fought corruption with the zeal it unleashes on youth
The State's inability to accommodate citizens gathered publicly against it is a vote of little confidence in itself.
By 7 months ago
If only the State fought corruption with the zeal it unleashes on youth
Fearful church dropped the Gen Z baton, resumed business as usual
How can the church be so passionate about leading people to heaven when it has neither mind nor heart to get young protesters out of a nearby police cell?
By 7 months ago
Fearful church dropped the Gen Z baton, resumed business as usual
If only the State fought corruption with the zeal it unleashes on youth
The State's inability to accommodate citizens gathered publicly against it is a vote of little confidence in itself.
By 7 months ago
If only the State fought corruption with the zeal it unleashes on youth
Fearful church dropped the Gen Z baton, resumed business as usual
How can the church be so passionate about leading people to heaven when it has neither mind nor heart to get young protesters out of a nearby police cell?
By Edward Buri 7 months ago
Fearful church dropped the Gen Z baton, resumed business as usual
If only the State fought corruption with the zeal it unleashes on youth
The State's inability to accommodate citizens gathered publicly against it is a vote of little confidence in itself.
By Edward Buri 7 months ago
If only the State fought corruption with the zeal it unleashes on youth
Three weapons youths are using to smoke out mannerless politicians
. Youths themselves are not perfect, but they are telling the country that they do not want a crisis-mate for a leader.
By Edward Buri 8 months ago
Three weapons youths are using to smoke out mannerless politicians
Our youth have made street, not State House, new place of honour
Saying that the Finance Bill was floored by "children" minimizes who the young people are and diminishes their accomplishment.
By Edward Buri 8 months ago
Our youth have made street, not State House, new place of honour
Gen-Z infected with spirit of hope, and it is proving to be contagious
Young people have all come together, not to rise against individual items in the system, but the whole system. This last week has demonstrated they are a real power.
By Edward Buri 8 months ago
Gen-Z infected with spirit of hope, and it is proving to be contagious
It's only a selfish State that would turn a deaf ear to cries of Kenyans
A government that is sensitive to the poor would have a reputation of empathy. The wails of the people should mean something.
By Edward Buri 9 months ago
It's only a selfish State that would turn a deaf ear to cries of Kenyans
Leaders who quote scripture but live dual lives are holy hyprocrites
Public citation of spiritual texts in a multi-religious context calls for the skill of accurate global interpretation that lands an inclusive application.
By Edward Buri 9 months ago
Leaders who quote scripture but live dual lives are holy hyprocrites
Why Wamuchomba and Omtatah tribe should multiply
Angry citizens have power to keep the powerful awake at night. The Gathoni Wamuchomba and Okiya Omtata tribe must breed and multiply!
By Edward Buri 9 months ago
Why Wamuchomba and Omtatah tribe should multiply
He is risen! Why the resurrection power needs to come alive in life
Popularised and sensational doctrines such as prosperity gospel have made the church stray from its profound doctrinal premises such as the resurrection.
By Edward Buri 11 months ago
He is risen! Why the resurrection power needs to come alive in life
Irony of 'prayerful', cushioned and greedy leaders rocking the masses
'Churchiness' has replaced godliness. National leaders walk up to the altar in the name of God only to speak in the name of greed.
By Edward Buri 11 months ago
Irony of 'prayerful', cushioned and greedy leaders rocking the masses
When Benny Hinn affirmed government as God-ordained, he lost the people
Benny Hinn was 'imported' by an initiative steered by the First Lady, thus making him a State guest. Therein lies a tyre-puncturing pothole.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
When Benny Hinn affirmed government as God-ordained, he lost the people
When leaders ignore people's voice, allegiance shifts and trouble sets in
Pleasing the people seems not to be the goal of the government at present. It is a season to squeeze and harvest more from the people.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
When leaders ignore people's voice, allegiance shifts and trouble sets in
Sacredness of sexuality key in building a sober community
A lustful world has dangerously blurred boundaries. Marriage hardly gets sacred respect. The fence in the form of a ring on the finger is easily overrun.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
Sacredness of sexuality key in building a sober community
The blame narrative is getting old, an angry president cannot console a crying citizenry
There is a frustration. Blackouts seem to be hitting our leadership too. We neither feel their love nor see their confidence. We see the putting up of brave faces. We do not see passion.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
The blame narrative is getting old, an angry president cannot console a crying citizenry
Time is sacred, let today's crossover moment find you in your right mind
The New Year finds you in your world. The point of the time rolled out to you every morning is to light that world - more and more. Make it better and better brighter and brighter.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
Time is sacred, let today's crossover moment find you in your right mind
Stand firm against December sins, and January will surely reward you
Even with Christmas lights everywhere, the texture of Christmas as a holy day is fading.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
Stand firm against December sins, and January will surely reward you
The high prison walls must not keep out good word of our Lord
While some denominations deploy ministers as prison chaplains as a matter of duty, others reserve the chaplaincy to those who discern prisons ministry as their primary call.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
The high prison walls must not keep out good word of our Lord
The church should counter the narrative of youth as a problem
Young people must protest against being ignored and demand to be noticed and centred.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
The church should counter the narrative of youth as a problem
'Innocence' should matter before making house owners homeless
In modern day Kenya, even God - the owner of the earth - needs a genuine title deed to claim anything! Without it, His church has to pack and go! Is God angry about this?
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
'Innocence' should matter before making house owners homeless
Turning our spirituality into a real saving force for the nation
Some powerful people fear the day when the church will rise to its actual value. A revolution would be inevitable. In the meantime, they let the sleeping giant snore.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
Turning our spirituality into a real saving force for the nation
The church must not let the horrors of Shakahola fade quickly from memory
Shakahola wreaked damage on the practice of fasting. Fasting as a Christian practice expresses heightened devotion.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
The church must not let the horrors of Shakahola fade quickly from memory
Time for Church to make Garden of Eden analogy an ambitious venture
A sincere memory of Eden would make one weep at the sight of the world today.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
Time for Church to make Garden of Eden analogy an ambitious venture
A glimpse of what Kenya would be like under charismatic leadership
While the moral codes that charismatic followers are expected to fulfill could be rigorous, the founders are not necessarily bound by those instructions.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
A glimpse of what Kenya would be like under charismatic leadership
Punctuality speaks volumes, while lateness sends message of disregard
When Ruto chastised the Executive for lateness and casual role knowledge, he was affirming that punctuality is to honour as lateness is to neglect.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
Punctuality speaks volumes, while lateness sends message of disregard
Kenya needs more truth lovers in leadership to run citizens' affairs
An open truth about Kenya's current administration and the opposition is that they both want power. Those in government want the power in full while the opposition wants to be powerful.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
Kenya needs more truth lovers in leadership to run citizens' affairs
Money has crusaders while morality lacks evangelists
As a dangerously religious country, we must ask ourselves, "Where does our help come from?" The Good News is that God is using Okiya Omtatah to move mountains.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
Money has crusaders while morality lacks evangelists
Ruto requires the Omtatah-Kwame voice of truth in running his affairs
Now that President Ruto takes a Socratic approach to dialogue, someone should put him with his passion, Kwame with his logic and facts and Omtatah with his law in one conversation table.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
Ruto requires the Omtatah-Kwame voice of truth in running his affairs
A country's true worth is measured by its values, not economic whizzes
A country's true worth is less in its economic whizzes and more in its values champions. A country is doubly blessed when the economic gurus are also 'value freaks'.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
A country's true worth is measured by its values, not economic whizzes
When Caesar knocks, his appetite for more taxes knows no bounds
Jesus described the legitimacy of what belongs to Caesar by saying "Give....." This implies a proactive duty.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
When Caesar knocks, his appetite for more taxes knows no bounds
President should be a walking specimen of his national vision
President Ruto's intellect is vivid. By all means, he is a good mind and wears his doctorate well. His thread of thought is systematic and his positions are well-reasoned.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
President should be a walking specimen of his national vision
Hustler movement - Hustling government
Former hustlers arriving in big cars in the camp of actual hustlers and waving banners of love is suspect. Were it not for their desire for power, the visit may not have happened.
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
Hustler movement - Hustling government
Attackers may destroy holy places but they cannot flee God's presence
Sacredness pervades all aspects of life - even scientists in the grandest of secular laboratories have ethical cautions not "to play God."
By Edward Buri 1 year ago
Attackers may destroy holy places but they cannot flee God's presence
Church and gayism: the paradox of challenging while loving
The writer says as the Church forbids homosexuality, love should always be the constant.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Church and gayism: the paradox of challenging while loving
Why prosperity gospel should not be condemned but redeemed
By its structure, the prosperity gospel does not take a bottom-up approach. The pastor has to prosper first so that they earn the authority to speak prosperity into the lives of others.
By Edward Buri 2 years ago
Why prosperity gospel should not be condemned but redeemed