Let’s consider running counties as business
A successful and a balanced devolved system of government should be both sustainable and resilient.
By Oliver Mwenda 6 years ago
Let’s consider running counties as business
How sustainable is the devolution marvel?
How will policymakers ensure the sustainability of devolution?
By Oliver Mwenda 6 years ago
How sustainable is the devolution marvel?
Opinion: NASA forays into Narok inconsequential
The election of Samuel ole Tunai as the Governor of Narok County gave rise to a new political order, signifying the emergence of “new thinking” among the Maasai community on the need for fresh leadership in a county considered an ODM stronghold. Recent forays by the Opposition alliance into Narok, declaring the county an opposition zone, are misguided. In 2013, Jubilee took many seats in the County Assembly and parliamentary election. It bagged 13 out of the 30 electoral county seats. What is of concern however is the populist agenda being employed to whip up negative emotions among the Maasai community. The issue of Mau forest remains a matter of national importance that requires a sober approach, keeping in mind interests of settlers in the forest and conservation. A sober approach is equally required when debating and implementing the Truth Justice and Reconciliation report. The Land injustices suffered by the Maasai community are under the purview of the National Land Commissio
By OLIVER MWENDA 8 years ago
Opinion: NASA forays into Narok inconsequential
How Narok County will benefit from SGR
Development economists opine that physical infrastructure is requisite for industrialisation and economic development.
By OLIVER MWENDA 8 years ago
How Narok County will benefit from SGR
Improving the Maasai Mara's allure
There is something about the Mara that continues to attract hundreds of thousands of tourists every year; it’s all about the wildlife, the people, the culture and the safari experience.
By OLIVER MWENDA 8 years ago
Improving the Maasai Mara's allure
Mother to Brian Odhiambo confronts CS
By Julius Chepkwony
3 hrs ago
Major showdown as new Grand Slam Track league kicks off
By Stephen Rutto
4 hrs ago