This is a time to weep for our beloved Kenya
How I wish every Kenyan would weep, every woman who bore a child weep, every man, every child, yeah, like Nineveh even every beast!
By Anthony Muheria 4 years ago
This is a time to weep for our beloved Kenya
Use this moment to share, care for others
Presentation of cold statistics can easily translate to a heartless declaration of facts.
By Anthony Muheria 4 years ago
Use this moment to share, care for others
Ndingi, a shining beacon of integrity in troubled times
Indeed, you have fought a good fight to the end. You have run the race to the finish. You have kept the faith.
By Anthony Muheria 4 years ago
Ndingi, a shining beacon of integrity in troubled times
Washing the feet of Judas
When we speak of corruption, we are all quick to point fingers at the high and mighty who, we believe, have the monopoly of corruption.
By Anthony Muheria 5 years ago
Washing the feet of Judas
Funerals should not be political warfields
“I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him,” Mark Anthony claims after the speech of treacherous Brutus in Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar'.
By Anthony Muheria 8 years ago
Funerals should not be political warfields
Tips from Pope Francis on ideal Kenya
It is agreeable to all that Pope Francis is a pope of many firsts. Pope Francis is the first Pope to ever address a House of Congress or any House of Parliament.
By Anthony Muheria 9 years ago
Tips from Pope Francis on ideal Kenya